Project TopicsAlthough Nigeria began its campaign against illiteracy during the colonial era, It was not until independence that literacy programmes gained increased momentum. In the 1950s, regional government launched a free primary education, programme to enable adult have access to primary education, and in 1976 the central government introduced a compulsory, free universal primary education (U.P.E) Scheme. The UPE programme ushered in an era of expanded growth for primary school and education as a whole. ...
Although Nigeria began its campaign against illiteracy during the colonial era, It was not until independence that literacy programmes gained increased momentum. In the 1950s, regional government launched a free primary education, programme to enable adult have access to primary education, and in 1976 the central government introduced a compulsory, free universal primary education (U.P.E) Scheme. The UPE programme ushered in an era of expanded growth for primary school and education as a whole. ... read more
Read MoreThe need for women to attain higher position at work as well as obtain good jobs has resulted in the increase of women in higher educational institutions, most especially when it is on acknowledgement fact that education socialization process and improving ones standard of living. But as more women attempt to obtain good education up to the tertiary level, many are beginning to wonder about its importance and the role it plays in national development. Moving into adulthood, women face a series o...
The need for women to attain higher position at work as well as obtain good jobs has resulted in the increase of women in higher educational institutions, most especially when it is on acknowledgement fact that education socialization process and improving ones standard of living. But as more women attempt to obtain good education up to the tertiary level, many are beginning to wonder about its importance and the role it plays in national development. Moving into adulthood, women face a series o... read more
Read MoreEducation is a training which incorporate, time, pain, lasting valves, cultural ideas, utility of experience which are geared toward the orientation of the mind to perform and exhibit such visible skill of change which are enduring and transferable according to Richard Amayo. Education can also be seem as the development of each unit of the society to maximize his potentials abilities and also to enable one contribute meaning fully to the growth of that community and share its accomplishment acc...
Education is a training which incorporate, time, pain, lasting valves, cultural ideas, utility of experience which are geared toward the orientation of the mind to perform and exhibit such visible skill of change which are enduring and transferable according to Richard Amayo. Education can also be seem as the development of each unit of the society to maximize his potentials abilities and also to enable one contribute meaning fully to the growth of that community and share its accomplishment acc... read more
Read MoreThe National Policy on Education was developed to eradicate illiteracy at all levels of human existence and provide affordable education for all Nigerians irrespective of class, religion, ethnic origin of physical appearance. The policy was driven by a desire to eradicate poverty, increase indices of national policy, increase political consciousness and encourage issues of national interpretation. These basic objectives of the policy have not been realized. In pursuance of the aforementioned ...
The National Policy on Education was developed to eradicate illiteracy at all levels of human existence and provide affordable education for all Nigerians irrespective of class, religion, ethnic origin of physical appearance. The policy was driven by a desire to eradicate poverty, increase indices of national policy, increase political consciousness and encourage issues of national interpretation. These basic objectives of the policy have not been realized. In pursuance of the aforementioned ... read more
Read MoreTaxation increases incentives for public participation in the political process and creates pressure for more accountability, better governance, and improved efficiency of government spending. Taxation also creates incentives for governments to upgrade their institutions for tax collection and administration and to provide more public services (Moore, 2007). Taxes have existed virtually as long as there have been organized governments. The first tax law legislation was introduced in 1919 and ...
Taxation increases incentives for public participation in the political process and creates pressure for more accountability, better governance, and improved efficiency of government spending. Taxation also creates incentives for governments to upgrade their institutions for tax collection and administration and to provide more public services (Moore, 2007). Taxes have existed virtually as long as there have been organized governments. The first tax law legislation was introduced in 1919 and ... read more
Read MoreHuman beings engage in various works in order to satisfy their wants. In producing human wants (goods and services) land, labour, capital and entrepreneur are utilized, for this purpose labour being the most dynamic factor of production, combines with the other factors to produce goods and services for consumption of full utilized. If labour is unutilized, or underutilized then there will be unemployment in the society. Unemployment as the name implies get its origin from the word employment. Un...
Human beings engage in various works in order to satisfy their wants. In producing human wants (goods and services) land, labour, capital and entrepreneur are utilized, for this purpose labour being the most dynamic factor of production, combines with the other factors to produce goods and services for consumption of full utilized. If labour is unutilized, or underutilized then there will be unemployment in the society. Unemployment as the name implies get its origin from the word employment. Un... read more
Read MoreWorking with the people to achieve a goal can be one of the most difficult challenges facing an organization or an institute, every aspect of collective life needs the collective efforts of the people concerned in one form or the other to achieve success. An individual input is essential in the attainment of the set goals and objectives by a group it becomes important to understand the place of welfare programme in an organization is indeed one of the key task of management is their bid to achie...
Working with the people to achieve a goal can be one of the most difficult challenges facing an organization or an institute, every aspect of collective life needs the collective efforts of the people concerned in one form or the other to achieve success. An individual input is essential in the attainment of the set goals and objectives by a group it becomes important to understand the place of welfare programme in an organization is indeed one of the key task of management is their bid to achie... read more
Read MoreMarriage of a youth in ancient society was parts of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choices and no say. He accepted his wife his joy and thanks. In some cases, a wife was married for him at a time he could certainly not afford to keep a wife all maintenance was borne by the parents. In the past marriage were a matter within the clan or within clan’s and its environs parents were not anxious to see their suns getting married to girls from distant places or other tribes...
Marriage of a youth in ancient society was parts of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choices and no say. He accepted his wife his joy and thanks. In some cases, a wife was married for him at a time he could certainly not afford to keep a wife all maintenance was borne by the parents. In the past marriage were a matter within the clan or within clan’s and its environs parents were not anxious to see their suns getting married to girls from distant places or other tribes... read more
Read MoreAll over the world the public service as a matter of experience has been know for it’s capacity to create wealth. Consequently, public enterprises have usually been perceived as drain pipes for government budget. Thus creating budgetary strains and avoidable burden on economy. It become a national policy, imperative therefore to disengage the public sector from those area where the private sector has the comparative advantage to perform, while letting the state concern. Security and the enabli...
All over the world the public service as a matter of experience has been know for it’s capacity to create wealth. Consequently, public enterprises have usually been perceived as drain pipes for government budget. Thus creating budgetary strains and avoidable burden on economy. It become a national policy, imperative therefore to disengage the public sector from those area where the private sector has the comparative advantage to perform, while letting the state concern. Security and the enabli... read more
Read MoreExamination according to Chambers concise dictionary simply means to test to inquire into, to question, to look closely at or into, to inspect, a test of capacity and knowledge. Maduabum and Maduabum (1998) stated that examination is an indispensable instrument in the education enterprises. It serves as a tool for providing accountability of educational outcome and a basis for successive improvement of educational programmes. For career guidance and selection into course and for maintenance of p...
Examination according to Chambers concise dictionary simply means to test to inquire into, to question, to look closely at or into, to inspect, a test of capacity and knowledge. Maduabum and Maduabum (1998) stated that examination is an indispensable instrument in the education enterprises. It serves as a tool for providing accountability of educational outcome and a basis for successive improvement of educational programmes. For career guidance and selection into course and for maintenance of p... read more
Read MoreEvery stage in life is faced with its own problem, some are inherited and be minimized while others are not and have solution but due to man’s inability to proof difficulties away in life at one time or the other life is surrounded. The Nigeria students are faced with a number of problems which affect their academic as a result of this lost interest in their academic work. Furthermore, insecurity problem is another difficult being faced by students in tertiary institutions, secret cult members...
Every stage in life is faced with its own problem, some are inherited and be minimized while others are not and have solution but due to man’s inability to proof difficulties away in life at one time or the other life is surrounded. The Nigeria students are faced with a number of problems which affect their academic as a result of this lost interest in their academic work. Furthermore, insecurity problem is another difficult being faced by students in tertiary institutions, secret cult members... read more
Read MoreThe history of evaluation in the Nigeria education system is not easy to trace perhaps its first mention was expressed in the form of ordinance that put in place in 1882, among the provisions of these ordinance were that of the following criteria been set for grants for teachers’ salaries. First, grant for organization and discipline with special grants to schools, which obtain the area of percentage of passes and reached high standard of academic excellence. Secondly, a captivation passes gra...
The history of evaluation in the Nigeria education system is not easy to trace perhaps its first mention was expressed in the form of ordinance that put in place in 1882, among the provisions of these ordinance were that of the following criteria been set for grants for teachers’ salaries. First, grant for organization and discipline with special grants to schools, which obtain the area of percentage of passes and reached high standard of academic excellence. Secondly, a captivation passes gra... read more
Read MoreGiven the importance of English language as a subject, common sense demands that students should perform well in it. The fact that English language is the most important subject in the secondary school curriculum is incontestable. To be able to understand his or her teachers in all other subjects effectively, a secondary school student requires at least fair knowledge of the English language. Little wonder that English language is referred to as the key to all other subjects. To be eligible for ...
Given the importance of English language as a subject, common sense demands that students should perform well in it. The fact that English language is the most important subject in the secondary school curriculum is incontestable. To be able to understand his or her teachers in all other subjects effectively, a secondary school student requires at least fair knowledge of the English language. Little wonder that English language is referred to as the key to all other subjects. To be eligible for ... read more
Read MoreLateness to school started long ago, every where in a way that cannot be controlled in recent time. The problem of lateness has eaten deep into Nigeria children the problem of pupils lateness to school has now turn to national problem. Lateness merely means arriving after expected time. Children commonly miss their school or coming lately because of their usual habits, such as waking up late due to laziness: rushing of undone assignment, unprepared bath, breakfast or meals, clothes, their pac...
Lateness to school started long ago, every where in a way that cannot be controlled in recent time. The problem of lateness has eaten deep into Nigeria children the problem of pupils lateness to school has now turn to national problem. Lateness merely means arriving after expected time. Children commonly miss their school or coming lately because of their usual habits, such as waking up late due to laziness: rushing of undone assignment, unprepared bath, breakfast or meals, clothes, their pac... read more
Read MoreOredo Local Government Area is one of the areas that make up Edo State of Nigeria. The investigation is concerned with the primary schools and junior secondary schools. At this level of education all students offer. The study of has a tremendous role to play in the development of a country. It is concerned with the development of a country. It is concerned with the development of a responsibility for the socializing and humanizing of the child. The focus of this objective is the inculcation of ...
Oredo Local Government Area is one of the areas that make up Edo State of Nigeria. The investigation is concerned with the primary schools and junior secondary schools. At this level of education all students offer. The study of has a tremendous role to play in the development of a country. It is concerned with the development of a country. It is concerned with the development of a responsibility for the socializing and humanizing of the child. The focus of this objective is the inculcation of ... read more
Read MoreExamination malpractice, which is a problematic phenomenon in our educational system, is the improper or illegal practice, immoral conduct according to the Webster’s comprehensive dictionary. Furthermore, examination malpractice is an illegal way which a student devices to pass an examination. This could be in form of bringing in notebooks to examination halls, cheating during examination, copying from friends, paying another person to help in writing the examination. Another way is to have fo...
Examination malpractice, which is a problematic phenomenon in our educational system, is the improper or illegal practice, immoral conduct according to the Webster’s comprehensive dictionary. Furthermore, examination malpractice is an illegal way which a student devices to pass an examination. This could be in form of bringing in notebooks to examination halls, cheating during examination, copying from friends, paying another person to help in writing the examination. Another way is to have fo... read more
Read MoreEffective management can be seen as the proper co-ordination and utilization of all the resources available in order to achieved maximum result within the system. Therefore the problems associated with effective management of public secondary school in Esan West local government area of Edo state is paramount importance. This is because of the development of public secondary school in the area. Philosophers had it that tomorrow success depends on today performance thus a day well li...
Effective management can be seen as the proper co-ordination and utilization of all the resources available in order to achieved maximum result within the system. Therefore the problems associated with effective management of public secondary school in Esan West local government area of Edo state is paramount importance. This is because of the development of public secondary school in the area. Philosophers had it that tomorrow success depends on today performance thus a day well li... read more
Read MoreSince ancient times, we have experiment with materials around us to feed, cloth and shelter ourselves what started as a satisfaction of our basic needs has now develop into science of chemistry. Chemistry is one of the main branches of pure science the other two being biology and physics chemistry deals with the composition, properties and uses of matter it probes into the principles governing the changes the Matter undergoes Over the years, chemistry, as well as other fields of science,...
Since ancient times, we have experiment with materials around us to feed, cloth and shelter ourselves what started as a satisfaction of our basic needs has now develop into science of chemistry. Chemistry is one of the main branches of pure science the other two being biology and physics chemistry deals with the composition, properties and uses of matter it probes into the principles governing the changes the Matter undergoes Over the years, chemistry, as well as other fields of science,... read more
Read MoreCultism is the state or phenomenon where persons are bound together with a common belief or cause usually through some rituals. According to Oxford dictionary of current English 5th edition the word “cult” mean a system of religions worship especially one that is expressed in rituals. From this definition cults now popularly know as confraternities, have assumed a monstrous features in our institution of higher learning. To this end therefore our various campuses, which were hitherto a mo...
Cultism is the state or phenomenon where persons are bound together with a common belief or cause usually through some rituals. According to Oxford dictionary of current English 5th edition the word “cult” mean a system of religions worship especially one that is expressed in rituals. From this definition cults now popularly know as confraternities, have assumed a monstrous features in our institution of higher learning. To this end therefore our various campuses, which were hitherto a mo... read more
Read MoreEducation is view as an instrument of change. Every nation has strong faith in the effectiveness of education as a powerful instrument for notion development that is why most countries are attempting to adjust their educational philosophy and policies to match the changing economy and social structure (NPE1987) education is a process by which people are used to culture into which they are born in order for them to develop it further. Beside education is centered on maximum development of the ind...
Education is view as an instrument of change. Every nation has strong faith in the effectiveness of education as a powerful instrument for notion development that is why most countries are attempting to adjust their educational philosophy and policies to match the changing economy and social structure (NPE1987) education is a process by which people are used to culture into which they are born in order for them to develop it further. Beside education is centered on maximum development of the ind... read more
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