Project TopicsSex education is one of the major determinants of future stability in families of the nation. Unfortunately, in Nigeria today while time and money are being spent on curriculum work and school environment, surprisingly, little time and attention are paid to the crucial issues of sex education. Sex education is a comprehensive and systematic development program extending from infancy to maturity. It is planned and directed to produce social and moral desirable sexual attitudes practices and pe...
Sex education is one of the major determinants of future stability in families of the nation. Unfortunately, in Nigeria today while time and money are being spent on curriculum work and school environment, surprisingly, little time and attention are paid to the crucial issues of sex education. Sex education is a comprehensive and systematic development program extending from infancy to maturity. It is planned and directed to produce social and moral desirable sexual attitudes practices and pe... read more
Read MoreAdolescent is a developmental period when a lot of change takes place, these changes could be physical, mental and social. Also adolescent is usually a time of excitement and of troubles and can thus be a confusing time. It is true that adolescents have different self-esteem, and the way they react to situation and circumstances surrounding them. While some are very receptive and others very aggressive and unfriendly. It has been noticed that some of these adolescents are maladjuste...
Adolescent is a developmental period when a lot of change takes place, these changes could be physical, mental and social. Also adolescent is usually a time of excitement and of troubles and can thus be a confusing time. It is true that adolescents have different self-esteem, and the way they react to situation and circumstances surrounding them. While some are very receptive and others very aggressive and unfriendly. It has been noticed that some of these adolescents are maladjuste... read more
Read MoreSexuality and contraception among students continue to be a public health problem of immediate concern in developed and underdeveloped countries. While the knowledge of HIV/AIDS as an inevitable disease is high among Nigerians in general, HIV/AIDS transmission in reduction measures are inconsistently taken by sexually active individuals. The youths and adolescents are those that have high risk of being affected with STDS, if contraceptives are not used correctly or avoided, because the youths ar...
Sexuality and contraception among students continue to be a public health problem of immediate concern in developed and underdeveloped countries. While the knowledge of HIV/AIDS as an inevitable disease is high among Nigerians in general, HIV/AIDS transmission in reduction measures are inconsistently taken by sexually active individuals. The youths and adolescents are those that have high risk of being affected with STDS, if contraceptives are not used correctly or avoided, because the youths ar... read more
Read MoreManifestation of the protest against gender inequality examines feminism revolt as a legitimate instrument against gender inequality as it affects women using the following texts and authors as case study. The Wives Revolt, J. P. Clark, So long a letter, Mariama Ba, Second class citizen, Buchi Emecheta, The women of Orena are wiser than the gods, Osadebamwen Oamen and The Dragon Funeral,. Emeka Nwabueze. The word feminism according to oxford advanced learners dictionary is defined as movemen...
Manifestation of the protest against gender inequality examines feminism revolt as a legitimate instrument against gender inequality as it affects women using the following texts and authors as case study. The Wives Revolt, J. P. Clark, So long a letter, Mariama Ba, Second class citizen, Buchi Emecheta, The women of Orena are wiser than the gods, Osadebamwen Oamen and The Dragon Funeral,. Emeka Nwabueze. The word feminism according to oxford advanced learners dictionary is defined as movemen... read more
Read MoreThe World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of individual and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity (WHO, 1964). Ogbimi (2009) holds that an individual is affected by almost everything in the environment. Equally, health is the perfect state of the individual in his physical, mental, social and emotionally well being. Health is seen as an environmentally influenced state of well being, hence it becomes nece...
The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of individual and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity (WHO, 1964). Ogbimi (2009) holds that an individual is affected by almost everything in the environment. Equally, health is the perfect state of the individual in his physical, mental, social and emotionally well being. Health is seen as an environmentally influenced state of well being, hence it becomes nece... read more
Read MoreSilently, stead but relentlessly a major epidemic quite different from what the world has ever experienced has invaded the globe as a whole during the past decade. It is an epidemic that knows no bound social, economic nature or religion. An epidemic that brings blame, rejection and division into families and communities. The epidemic is caused by a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. A person infected with HIV may not feel its effects for several years. But gradually, the viru...
Silently, stead but relentlessly a major epidemic quite different from what the world has ever experienced has invaded the globe as a whole during the past decade. It is an epidemic that knows no bound social, economic nature or religion. An epidemic that brings blame, rejection and division into families and communities. The epidemic is caused by a virus called the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. A person infected with HIV may not feel its effects for several years. But gradually, the viru... read more
Read MoreFor many years now, researchers in the area of educational leadership have attempted to identify links between educational leadership and school effectiveness research. This phenomenon is mainly due to the perception that educational leaders, especially school headmasters, affect school effectiveness (Levin $ Lezotte 1990; Reynolds $ Cuttance. 1992; Cheng 1994; Pashiardis, 2004). However two main issues have arisen; firstly what position or roles do leader have in a school organization? Secondly...
For many years now, researchers in the area of educational leadership have attempted to identify links between educational leadership and school effectiveness research. This phenomenon is mainly due to the perception that educational leaders, especially school headmasters, affect school effectiveness (Levin $ Lezotte 1990; Reynolds $ Cuttance. 1992; Cheng 1994; Pashiardis, 2004). However two main issues have arisen; firstly what position or roles do leader have in a school organization? Secondly... read more
Read MoreThe handicapped children are gifted children who have ability to be educated irrespective of their disabilities, like the deaf, the blind, the dumb, lame etc. therefore, the handicapped children in Nigeria posses the talents and all the aggregate of learning just like their counter parts at school. Education which is a life provided for every individual, the physically handicapped inclusive. The team can be viewed in many ways mainly psychological and maladjustment. A handicapped child is a c...
The handicapped children are gifted children who have ability to be educated irrespective of their disabilities, like the deaf, the blind, the dumb, lame etc. therefore, the handicapped children in Nigeria posses the talents and all the aggregate of learning just like their counter parts at school. Education which is a life provided for every individual, the physically handicapped inclusive. The team can be viewed in many ways mainly psychological and maladjustment. A handicapped child is a c... read more
Read MoreThe marriage of a youth in ancient society was parts of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choice as to the choice of wife. In some cases a wife was married to him at a time. He could not accept to keep a wife. And all maintenance was done by the parents. Such marriages were regarded to be sacred and respected by the spouses. Parents were unnecessarily getting as to where their son was going to get his wife from. Marriages arranged by parents on the basis of family frie...
The marriage of a youth in ancient society was parts of the responsibilities of his parents. The young man had no choice as to the choice of wife. In some cases a wife was married to him at a time. He could not accept to keep a wife. And all maintenance was done by the parents. Such marriages were regarded to be sacred and respected by the spouses. Parents were unnecessarily getting as to where their son was going to get his wife from. Marriages arranged by parents on the basis of family frie... read more
Read MoreThis project attempts to examine the problems of classroom control and management in Ujevwu primary school in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State. The idea behind description in schools is not put across a point of view about the proper definition of school discipline but to bring together contrasting opinion and attitude so that the reader can be giving the background on which to base his own conclusion. Barry {1973} regards discipline as one of the most controver...
This project attempts to examine the problems of classroom control and management in Ujevwu primary school in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State. The idea behind description in schools is not put across a point of view about the proper definition of school discipline but to bring together contrasting opinion and attitude so that the reader can be giving the background on which to base his own conclusion. Barry {1973} regards discipline as one of the most controver... read more
Read MoreTeaching and learning activities are interesting when instructional materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is necessary for the teacher in the learning of English in Nigeria to use visual aid material as instructional tools in order to make their teaching more interesting that is to arouse the learning interest, sustain their attention for effective learning. But the problem in many secondary schools in OSUN State as else where in Nigeria is that of ...
Teaching and learning activities are interesting when instructional materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is necessary for the teacher in the learning of English in Nigeria to use visual aid material as instructional tools in order to make their teaching more interesting that is to arouse the learning interest, sustain their attention for effective learning. But the problem in many secondary schools in OSUN State as else where in Nigeria is that of ... read more
Read MoreThe principal of a school is both the teachers and administrator of the school. Edem (1998) described the principal as a leader who is endowed with authority to influence the activities, behaviour, beliefs, and feelings of his staff and students and who expects their willing co-operation. The principal ensure that the school is life to it responsibilities. This is why Ozigi (1997) opined that the school work revolves around the administrator, the school reputation depends on him, and he can make...
The principal of a school is both the teachers and administrator of the school. Edem (1998) described the principal as a leader who is endowed with authority to influence the activities, behaviour, beliefs, and feelings of his staff and students and who expects their willing co-operation. The principal ensure that the school is life to it responsibilities. This is why Ozigi (1997) opined that the school work revolves around the administrator, the school reputation depends on him, and he can make... read more
Read MoreIt has been observed that a number of students in institutions of learning are truant. They become truant in order to engage in activities which are neither under the control of the home nor of the school. To defend himself or herself. The truant decoys his parents and teachers and frequent truancy may lead to vagrancy. Truancy is more a proof of the inadequacy our present educational system than an evidence of any propensity to crime. It is a system, which attaches little importa...
It has been observed that a number of students in institutions of learning are truant. They become truant in order to engage in activities which are neither under the control of the home nor of the school. To defend himself or herself. The truant decoys his parents and teachers and frequent truancy may lead to vagrancy. Truancy is more a proof of the inadequacy our present educational system than an evidence of any propensity to crime. It is a system, which attaches little importa... read more
Read MoreThe number of teenagers given birth each year is staggering. In fact, of the slightly more than 10% of all births worldwide-almost a million are of young mothers-teenagers. Before proceeding forward we will want to know what teenage pregnancy is all about. According to Oxford English Dictionary teenage pregnancy are children between the ages of 13 to 19 that get pregnant. Nigeria’s birth rate for adolescents is one of the highest in the world and the prevalence among female adolescents in Nige...
The number of teenagers given birth each year is staggering. In fact, of the slightly more than 10% of all births worldwide-almost a million are of young mothers-teenagers. Before proceeding forward we will want to know what teenage pregnancy is all about. According to Oxford English Dictionary teenage pregnancy are children between the ages of 13 to 19 that get pregnant. Nigeria’s birth rate for adolescents is one of the highest in the world and the prevalence among female adolescents in Nige... read more
Read MoreNigeria adopts English Language as its official language due to many reasons. Of course the principal reason cannot be divorced from ethnic linguistic diversities and the major ethnic languages are Hausa/Fulani in the North, Ibo in the East and Yoruba in the West. English is the language of government, institutions and businesses transaction in the country. It then stands to reason, therefore, that one must have a thorough grasp of the language in both its spoken and written forms. Nigeria there...
Nigeria adopts English Language as its official language due to many reasons. Of course the principal reason cannot be divorced from ethnic linguistic diversities and the major ethnic languages are Hausa/Fulani in the North, Ibo in the East and Yoruba in the West. English is the language of government, institutions and businesses transaction in the country. It then stands to reason, therefore, that one must have a thorough grasp of the language in both its spoken and written forms. Nigeria there... read more
Read MoreAn important but most undermined phenomenon that has ploughed the society for many years is sex education. This phenomenon is so complicated that people have different view about it. These differences bring tolerance in security among some while it creates problems in some other ethnic groups where discussion of sex is taboo. Sex education is one of the major determinants of future stability in families of any nation. It is a comprehensive and systematic development programme extend...
An important but most undermined phenomenon that has ploughed the society for many years is sex education. This phenomenon is so complicated that people have different view about it. These differences bring tolerance in security among some while it creates problems in some other ethnic groups where discussion of sex is taboo. Sex education is one of the major determinants of future stability in families of any nation. It is a comprehensive and systematic development programme extend... read more
Read MoreThe world today is undergoing a very rapid in information communication technology (ICT) and teaching and learning is not left out, since the turn of the century, emphasis has shifted from the literary arts to the development of science and technology. Therefore, all the problems are facing the students, education in the world today, especially, that of the implication surrounding using information communication technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of integrated science i...
The world today is undergoing a very rapid in information communication technology (ICT) and teaching and learning is not left out, since the turn of the century, emphasis has shifted from the literary arts to the development of science and technology. Therefore, all the problems are facing the students, education in the world today, especially, that of the implication surrounding using information communication technology (ICT) in the teaching and learning of integrated science i... read more
Read MoreLeadership is the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of group towards a purpose leading involves living by example for the followers to follow Leadership behaviour according to Hemphil and loons (1955) is defined as the behaviour of the formally group. Leading people implies follow- shipping depending on the needs of those being bed, their wishes desires and attitude can be directed towards organizational goal. A good leader inspires confidence in others wh...
Leadership is the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of group towards a purpose leading involves living by example for the followers to follow Leadership behaviour according to Hemphil and loons (1955) is defined as the behaviour of the formally group. Leading people implies follow- shipping depending on the needs of those being bed, their wishes desires and attitude can be directed towards organizational goal. A good leader inspires confidence in others wh... read more
Read MoreCounselling is a field notable for its diversity and dynamism. It is influenced by diverse political, economic and social forces within the society. As a result, tremendous expansion has been witnessed in the field of counselling’s vision, mission and values with reference to the promotion of good health, family dynamics, career assessment, school adjustments, developmental tasks, ethical standards and research training. One of the major tasks of school counsellor is to educate and assist stud...
Counselling is a field notable for its diversity and dynamism. It is influenced by diverse political, economic and social forces within the society. As a result, tremendous expansion has been witnessed in the field of counselling’s vision, mission and values with reference to the promotion of good health, family dynamics, career assessment, school adjustments, developmental tasks, ethical standards and research training. One of the major tasks of school counsellor is to educate and assist stud... read more
Read MoreHuman trafficking is an ugly fact of our society that is prevalent even today. Human trafficking is a world-wide problematic issue. Over the years, it has metamorphose into frig teeming growth rate, having reached its peak and without showing sign of reduction in parts of Africa, Eastern, Europe, the Caribbean’s and Latin American countries. It is crucial to note that the increase on the cases of human trafficking in Nigeria is due to the undaunted efforts of the operators and profiteers of th...
Human trafficking is an ugly fact of our society that is prevalent even today. Human trafficking is a world-wide problematic issue. Over the years, it has metamorphose into frig teeming growth rate, having reached its peak and without showing sign of reduction in parts of Africa, Eastern, Europe, the Caribbean’s and Latin American countries. It is crucial to note that the increase on the cases of human trafficking in Nigeria is due to the undaunted efforts of the operators and profiteers of th... read more
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