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Computer Science
Project Research

Tourism is the travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family business purposes, usually of a limited duration. Tourism is considered an activity essential to Nations because of its direct effects on social, cultural, educational and economic sectors of National societies and their International relations. According to the third edition of the Oxford English dictionary, tourism is defined as the commercial organization and operation of holidays and visits to place of interest....

1-5 Chapters
55 Pages
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Tourism is the travel for recreation, leisure, religious, family business purposes, usually of a limited duration. Tourism is considered an activity essential to Nations because of its direct effects on social, cultural, educational and economic sectors of National societies and their International relations. According to the third edition of the Oxford English dictionary, tourism is defined as the commercial organization and operation of holidays and visits to place of interest.

Computer Science Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 55 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Computer Science
Project Research

With the ascent of Globalization, it has gotten to be vital to discover a less demanding and more compelling system to help an association. Despite this, there are still a few foundations that utilize the way our forefathers would have done it. In a certain manner, one thing that is still handled physically is the leave management system. In advanced times, there are numerous sorts of leave accessible to p...

1-5 Chapters
55 Pages
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With the ascent of Globalization, it has gotten to be vital to discover a less demanding and more compelling system to help an association. Despite this, there are still a few foundations that utilize the way our forefathers would have done it. In a certain manner, one thing that is still handled physically is the leave management system. In advanced times, there are numerous sorts of leave accessible to p

Computer Science Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 55 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Computer Science
Project Research

This part presents biometrics as the engineering used to measure and dissect individual attributes both physiological and behavioural. These attributes incorporate fingerprints, voice examples, hand estimation, irises, are physiological while marks, keystrokes elements and mouse development are behavioural which are all used to distinguish human qualities and confirm character (M. Gasson, M. Meints and K.warwick 2005). These biometrics or qualities are easily associated with an individual and ca...

1-5 Chapters
78 Pages
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This part presents biometrics as the engineering used to measure and dissect individual attributes both physiological and behavioural. These attributes incorporate fingerprints, voice examples, hand estimation, irises, are physiological while marks, keystrokes elements and mouse development are behavioural which are all used to distinguish human qualities and confirm character (M. Gasson, M. Meints and K.warwick 2005). These biometrics or qualities are easily associated with an individual and ca... read more

Computer Science Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 78 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Computer Science
Project Research

Every business company deals on either sales of products or services or both. Whichever the case may be, business transactions take place. Business transaction is more than buying and selling of goods; it also includes rendering of services and more. According to Doyle (2014), business transactions are the interactions between businesses and their customers, vendors and others with whom they do business. This explanation implies that exchange of messages, items, and ultimately money, for the pur...

1-5 Chapters
67 Pages
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Every business company deals on either sales of products or services or both. Whichever the case may be, business transactions take place. Business transaction is more than buying and selling of goods; it also includes rendering of services and more. According to Doyle (2014), business transactions are the interactions between businesses and their customers, vendors and others with whom they do business. This explanation implies that exchange of messages, items, and ultimately money, for the pur... read more

Computer Science Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 67 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Critical Analysis Of Corroboration Under The Nigerian Law Of Evidence2

Project Research

There is no law that says the plaintiff or the prosecution must bring a million witnesses or evidence to court before he can succeed in his case. A court can convict on a single witness. A case is not decided by the numbers of witnesses, single credible convincing evidence is enough to convict in a case but there are some exceptions. The exceptions refer to by this learned mean the circumstances where corroboration will be required before any judge can decide his case. Although a judge can convi...

1-5 Chapters
101 Pages
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Critical Analysis Of Corroboration Under The Nigerian Law Of Evidence2

There is no law that says the plaintiff or the prosecution must bring a million witnesses or evidence to court before he can succeed in his case. A court can convict on a single witness. A case is not decided by the numbers of witnesses, single credible convincing evidence is enough to convict in a case but there are some exceptions. The exceptions refer to by this learned mean the circumstances where corroboration will be required before any judge can decide his case. Although a judge can convi... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 101 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Egbase V Oriareghan (1985) Effect Of Non Est Factum On Contract

Project Research

Man is by nature a social animal. An individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. rn rnAnyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of the society, is either a beast or a god.1 rn rnThis quote by Aristotle poignantly points out the fact that interactions with ourselves as human beings is a must, and the need for this interactions often lead to the necessi...

1-5 Chapters
81 Pages
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Egbase V Oriareghan (1985) Effect Of Non Est Factum On Contract

Man is by nature a social animal. An individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. rn rnAnyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of the society, is either a beast or a god.1 rn rnThis quote by Aristotle poignantly points out the fact that interactions with ourselves as human beings is a must, and the need for this interactions often lead to the necessi... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 81 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Appraisal Of The Application Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods To Marriage Disputes

Project Research

Marriage is a union entered into by two parties in every jurisdiction i. e, marriage is a universal occurrence. Although the legal process involved (either in formality or requirement) varies from one jurisdiction to another, marriage is often characterized by disputes which range from divorce to custody of children, maintenance e. t. c. Marriage, as examined in this context, is limited to that conducted under statutes. In resolving these disputes, recourse is made to adjudication. But overti...

1-5 Chapters
95 Pages
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Appraisal Of The Application Of Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods To Marriage Disputes

Marriage is a union entered into by two parties in every jurisdiction i. e, marriage is a universal occurrence. Although the legal process involved (either in formality or requirement) varies from one jurisdiction to another, marriage is often characterized by disputes which range from divorce to custody of children, maintenance e. t. c. Marriage, as examined in this context, is limited to that conducted under statutes. In resolving these disputes, recourse is made to adjudication. But overti... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 95 Pages Abstract Available Available
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The Impact Of Revenue Generation On Local Government Administration In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Enugu North L.G.A. Of Enugu State)

Project Research

The purpose of this study is to investigate on the impact of revenue generation is local government administration in Nigeria with Enugu North Local Government area as a case study. The study was based on the theoretical foundation on financial management theory approach by R. Vause and human relations approach of Elton Mayo et al. The major instrument used for the collection of data was the questionnaire named Revenue Generation Description questionnaire (R.G.D.Q) formulated by the resear...

1-5 Chapters
75 Pages
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The Impact Of Revenue Generation On Local Government Administration In Nigeria (A Case Study Of Enugu North L.G.A. Of Enugu State)

The purpose of this study is to investigate on the impact of revenue generation is local government administration in Nigeria with Enugu North Local Government area as a case study. The study was based on the theoretical foundation on financial management theory approach by R. Vause and human relations approach of Elton Mayo et al. The major instrument used for the collection of data was the questionnaire named Revenue Generation Description questionnaire (R.G.D.Q) formulated by the resear... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 75 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Ownership And Control Of Mineral Resources Under The Shariah And Nigerian Statute. A Comparative Analysis

Project Research

Most countries have conferred the power/ownership of their resources on their government, not allowing individuals to lay claim to them. This has been beneficial for international business purposes, especially in the petroleum sector and has ensured stable revenue which is then distributed amongst the individual states in the country; while some countries like the USA recognize both state and individual ownership. Associated with exploration and exploitation activities of most natural resources ...

1-5 Chapters
77 Pages
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Ownership And Control Of Mineral Resources Under The Shariah And Nigerian Statute. A Comparative Analysis

Most countries have conferred the power/ownership of their resources on their government, not allowing individuals to lay claim to them. This has been beneficial for international business purposes, especially in the petroleum sector and has ensured stable revenue which is then distributed amongst the individual states in the country; while some countries like the USA recognize both state and individual ownership. Associated with exploration and exploitation activities of most natural resources ... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 77 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Double Decker Marriage In Nigeria (issues, Problems And Solutions)

Project Research

It has become a common practice in Nigeria for parties who intend to contract a statutory marriage to marry first under customary law before the solemnization of the statutory marriage. This practice may be explained by the fact that though Western civilization and culture have permeated Nigerian society, most people, even the most sophisticated understandably regard themselves as bound by the customary law of their place of origin. The Nigerian Marriage Act has given validity to this practice b...

1-5 Chapters
82 Pages
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Double Decker Marriage In Nigeria (issues, Problems And Solutions)

It has become a common practice in Nigeria for parties who intend to contract a statutory marriage to marry first under customary law before the solemnization of the statutory marriage. This practice may be explained by the fact that though Western civilization and culture have permeated Nigerian society, most people, even the most sophisticated understandably regard themselves as bound by the customary law of their place of origin. The Nigerian Marriage Act has given validity to this practice b... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 82 Pages Abstract Available Available
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An Appraisal Of The Doctrine Of Domicile Under The Private International Law

Project Research

This write up is to assess the quality of the value of the doctrine of domicile under the Private International Law i. e Conflict of laws. Private International Law is that part of law of a country which deals with cases having a foreign element. It is therefore the that part of law that comes into into play whenever the issue before the affect some events/ facts/ transactions that are so closely connected with a foreign system of laws as to necessitate recourse to that system. The law per...

1-5 Chapters
89 Pages
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An Appraisal Of The Doctrine Of Domicile Under The Private International Law

This write up is to assess the quality of the value of the doctrine of domicile under the Private International Law i. e Conflict of laws. Private International Law is that part of law of a country which deals with cases having a foreign element. It is therefore the that part of law that comes into into play whenever the issue before the affect some events/ facts/ transactions that are so closely connected with a foreign system of laws as to necessitate recourse to that system. The law per... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 89 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Nigeria Roles In The Development Of International Of International Organization In Africa. A Case Study Of Ecowas

Project Research

Nigeria lies between latitudes 40N and 140N and Longitudes 20 east and 150 east of the Greenwich Meridian. This is an area of 922,200 square kilometers (356,000 square miles). To travel from the west to the east is a distance of 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) from the south to north of the country about 1,040 kilometers (650 miles). It is bounded in the north by the Sahara Desert and in the south by the Gulf of Guinea, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. Seen on a map, Nigeria can best be described a...

1-5 Chapters
66 Pages
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Nigeria Roles In The Development Of International Of International Organization In Africa. A Case Study Of Ecowas

Nigeria lies between latitudes 40N and 140N and Longitudes 20 east and 150 east of the Greenwich Meridian. This is an area of 922,200 square kilometers (356,000 square miles). To travel from the west to the east is a distance of 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) from the south to north of the country about 1,040 kilometers (650 miles). It is bounded in the north by the Sahara Desert and in the south by the Gulf of Guinea, an arm of the Atlantic Ocean. Seen on a map, Nigeria can best be described a... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 66 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Widowhood Practice In Nigeria

Project Research

Discrimination against women is defined by Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979 (referred to as the 1979 Convention) as “any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the ...

1-5 Chapters
100 Pages
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Widowhood Practice In Nigeria

Discrimination against women is defined by Article 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women 1979 (referred to as the 1979 Convention) as “any distinction, exclusion or restriction made on the basis of sex which has the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the ... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 100 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Critical Appraisal On Opinion Evidence

Project Research

Generally, where a court is faced with the problem of determining a suit before it, such can only be solved after making an enquiry into the relevant facts of the evidence put before it by the parties, drawing inferences from those facts, and listening to arguments of parties to the case or of their counsel. Evidence is there from called as a means by which those facts can be proved. Evidence of what the witness thinks, believes or infers in regard to facts in dispute, as distinguished from per...

1-5 Chapters
54 Pages
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Critical Appraisal On Opinion Evidence

Generally, where a court is faced with the problem of determining a suit before it, such can only be solved after making an enquiry into the relevant facts of the evidence put before it by the parties, drawing inferences from those facts, and listening to arguments of parties to the case or of their counsel. Evidence is there from called as a means by which those facts can be proved. Evidence of what the witness thinks, believes or infers in regard to facts in dispute, as distinguished from per... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 54 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Women In Politics (a Review Of Common And Islamic Law Provision)

Project Research

Issue of gender equality (men and women) are equal in all ranks, which also includes politics, which is aimed at women rather than men, these debates degenerate and disintegrate into discordant posturing, grandstanding, sweeping, generalizations and misrepresentation. I do not intend to throw my hat into the ring. I only wish to add my voiced to the discourse. Before women participation in politics remained a contentious but neglected area in dedicated academic discourse or forum such as the ins...

1-5 Chapters
87 Pages
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Women In Politics (a Review Of Common And Islamic Law Provision)

Issue of gender equality (men and women) are equal in all ranks, which also includes politics, which is aimed at women rather than men, these debates degenerate and disintegrate into discordant posturing, grandstanding, sweeping, generalizations and misrepresentation. I do not intend to throw my hat into the ring. I only wish to add my voiced to the discourse. Before women participation in politics remained a contentious but neglected area in dedicated academic discourse or forum such as the ins... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 87 Pages Abstract Available Available
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A Critical Overview Of The Consent Provisions Under The Land Use Act, 1978.

Project Research

Ever since the consent requirement of the Land Use Act made its first debut in our courts for interpretation in the case of Savannah Bank V. Ajilo(1989) 1 NWLR(pt.97) 305, much juristic ink has been expended in debate for or against the usefulness of the provisions. Judges, in their duty of interpreting the provision have sung incoherent and discordant notes on the issue. Some writers too, have tried to either show support for its relevance or call for its repeal or amendment....

1-5 Chapters
99 Pages
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A Critical Overview Of The Consent Provisions Under The Land Use Act, 1978.

Ever since the consent requirement of the Land Use Act made its first debut in our courts for interpretation in the case of Savannah Bank V. Ajilo(1989) 1 NWLR(pt.97) 305, much juristic ink has been expended in debate for or against the usefulness of the provisions. Judges, in their duty of interpreting the provision have sung incoherent and discordant notes on the issue. Some writers too, have tried to either show support for its relevance or call for its repeal or amendment.

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 99 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Roles Of Legislature In Impeachment Proceedings Under The 1999 Constitution

Project Research

The aim of this study is to explore the roles of Legislature in impeachment proceeding under the 1999 constitution. The principal function of the Legislative arm of government is to legislate and make law for good governance in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. The Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives while the Legislative power of a state is vested in the State House of Assembly. The Legislature ...

1-5 Chapters
95 Pages
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Roles Of Legislature In Impeachment Proceedings Under The 1999 Constitution

The aim of this study is to explore the roles of Legislature in impeachment proceeding under the 1999 constitution. The principal function of the Legislative arm of government is to legislate and make law for good governance in accordance with the provisions of the constitution. The Legislative power is vested in the National Assembly which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives while the Legislative power of a state is vested in the State House of Assembly. The Legislature ... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 95 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Provocation As A Defence To Criminal Liability

Project Research

Provocation on its own it not a total defense as to make the accused discharged of his guilt. It reduces murder to manslaughter. This essay considers the adequacy of this defense by examining it under the penal laws of Nigeria and different centers. The general requirement is that of the deceased must have been caused by accused upon provocation induced by the deceased himself and this must be offered before the accused had time for his passion to cool down. The injury inflicted must also be ...

1-5 Chapters
78 Pages
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Provocation As A Defence To Criminal Liability

Provocation on its own it not a total defense as to make the accused discharged of his guilt. It reduces murder to manslaughter. This essay considers the adequacy of this defense by examining it under the penal laws of Nigeria and different centers. The general requirement is that of the deceased must have been caused by accused upon provocation induced by the deceased himself and this must be offered before the accused had time for his passion to cool down. The injury inflicted must also be ... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 78 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Justification For And The Abolition Of Capital Punishment Under Human Rights Law

Project Research

The legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law has been in existence from time immemorial, people have been put to death for various forms of wrong doings and methods of execution have included crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at stake, impaling and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging or shooting. The human right proponents see death penalties as a violation of the right to life and huma...

1-5 Chapters
111 Pages
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Justification For And The Abolition Of Capital Punishment Under Human Rights Law

The legal infliction of death as a penalty for violating criminal law has been in existence from time immemorial, people have been put to death for various forms of wrong doings and methods of execution have included crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at stake, impaling and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging or shooting. The human right proponents see death penalties as a violation of the right to life and huma... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 111 Pages Abstract Available Available
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Do Judges Make Law (a Cursory Look At The Recurring Question)

Project Research

It is common knowledge that the age long principle of Separation of powers allocates the governmental functions of law making, law implementation and law interpretation to the Legislative, Executive and Judicial arms of government respectively and each arm is to function independently without any unwarranted inter meddling. It is trite that the function of lawmaking for peaceful coexistence and orderliness in the society is vested in the recognized law making organ, in the Nigerian case being...

1-5 Chapters
94 Pages
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Do Judges Make Law (a Cursory Look At The Recurring Question)

It is common knowledge that the age long principle of Separation of powers allocates the governmental functions of law making, law implementation and law interpretation to the Legislative, Executive and Judicial arms of government respectively and each arm is to function independently without any unwarranted inter meddling. It is trite that the function of lawmaking for peaceful coexistence and orderliness in the society is vested in the recognized law making organ, in the Nigerian case being... read more

LAW Project Research Available Available 1-5 Chapters 94 Pages Abstract Available Available
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