Project TopicsThe research used Cultivation Theory and Aggressive Cue Theory in explaining the research which focused on effect of violent television programme on Nigerian Children. The research used survey research method while questionnaire was administered to 150 respondents that were drawn from the two secondary schools (Kings and Kidvac) through probability sampling technique. The data collected were analysed using the frequency and percentage method. Findings show that majority of the respondents (98.5...
The research used Cultivation Theory and Aggressive Cue Theory in explaining the research which focused on effect of violent television programme on Nigerian Children. The research used survey research method while questionnaire was administered to 150 respondents that were drawn from the two secondary schools (Kings and Kidvac) through probability sampling technique. The data collected were analysed using the frequency and percentage method. Findings show that majority of the respondents (98.5... read more
Read MoreSocial media particularly Facebook and Twitter usage can contribute to students positively and negatively depend on the users and the purpose for it use, it is on this thrust that the research examined the influence of social media on the writing and reading ability of Bowen University undergraduates. The research is anchored on Technology Determinism Theory which was explained and related carefully to this result with the aim of given depth to the research. The research also used survey researc...
Social media particularly Facebook and Twitter usage can contribute to students positively and negatively depend on the users and the purpose for it use, it is on this thrust that the research examined the influence of social media on the writing and reading ability of Bowen University undergraduates. The research is anchored on Technology Determinism Theory which was explained and related carefully to this result with the aim of given depth to the research. The research also used survey researc... read more
Read MoreThe family and its background play a vital role in the development of any child this is to say that the personality of the child is based mostly on the family background Baler and Don (1991) define personality as a characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting. It is an interaction by which an individual learns the social and cultural requirement that will make him or her a functioning member of that society which teaches habits, ideas attitudes and values. A child...
The family and its background play a vital role in the development of any child this is to say that the personality of the child is based mostly on the family background Baler and Don (1991) define personality as a characteristic way of thinking, feeling and acting. It is an interaction by which an individual learns the social and cultural requirement that will make him or her a functioning member of that society which teaches habits, ideas attitudes and values. A child... read more
Read MoreIt is true that many students in Business studies today do not have secondary school background in Business studies unlike Mathematics, Economics, “English, Government and the likes, and therefore they tend to have a negative attitude at the very beginning of the course at the secondary school and assume that business studies is a very difficult course. Atieh (1997) shows that the Saudi Arabian students have a negative attitude toward business studies, consideri...
It is true that many students in Business studies today do not have secondary school background in Business studies unlike Mathematics, Economics, “English, Government and the likes, and therefore they tend to have a negative attitude at the very beginning of the course at the secondary school and assume that business studies is a very difficult course. Atieh (1997) shows that the Saudi Arabian students have a negative attitude toward business studies, consideri... read more
Read MoreEnglish Language was introduced to Nigeria in 1842, by the batch of missionaries who arrived Badagry to evangelize as well as educate the natives (Tomori, 1981). The British Government became the colonial masters of Nigeria from the cession of Lagos as a colony in 1861. The representatives of the queen that was sent back to look after her majesty colony officialised English language in the colony and informally introduced by the early missionaries. The teachers of English Language became promine...
English Language was introduced to Nigeria in 1842, by the batch of missionaries who arrived Badagry to evangelize as well as educate the natives (Tomori, 1981). The British Government became the colonial masters of Nigeria from the cession of Lagos as a colony in 1861. The representatives of the queen that was sent back to look after her majesty colony officialised English language in the colony and informally introduced by the early missionaries. The teachers of English Language became promine... read more
Read MoreAs a result of the continued industrialization of our society and continuous movement from rural areas to urban areas, there have been the continual references o factors, which affect our environment of which one of them is pollution. The rapid development of technology and population growth are over powering man’s ability to preserve or protect the environment suitable for his survival examples, towns like port Harcourt associated with crude oil and Aba, a market town cannot be free from poll...
As a result of the continued industrialization of our society and continuous movement from rural areas to urban areas, there have been the continual references o factors, which affect our environment of which one of them is pollution. The rapid development of technology and population growth are over powering man’s ability to preserve or protect the environment suitable for his survival examples, towns like port Harcourt associated with crude oil and Aba, a market town cannot be free from poll... read more
Read MoreOver the years, the nation has been experiencing a drastic fall in the academic performance of pupils and students at the various level of education. Scholars of different school of though has attributed this ugly trend to many factor such as poor teaching methodology, inadequate instructional facilities and a lot more from the look of things, these scholars seems to heap the blames either on the student or the teachers who most times are not actually the immediate causes. However, a...
Over the years, the nation has been experiencing a drastic fall in the academic performance of pupils and students at the various level of education. Scholars of different school of though has attributed this ugly trend to many factor such as poor teaching methodology, inadequate instructional facilities and a lot more from the look of things, these scholars seems to heap the blames either on the student or the teachers who most times are not actually the immediate causes. However, a... read more
Read MoreSince the inception of the department of school of sciences, it has been granting admission to a number of students on a yearly basis into various programmes, the department holds one of the larger numbers of students that are admitted yearly into the college of education. This is so because of the premium and the relevance of the useful education, which is provided by the school of science. Unfortunately however, there have been reports from various quarters expressing the view of poor performa...
Since the inception of the department of school of sciences, it has been granting admission to a number of students on a yearly basis into various programmes, the department holds one of the larger numbers of students that are admitted yearly into the college of education. This is so because of the premium and the relevance of the useful education, which is provided by the school of science. Unfortunately however, there have been reports from various quarters expressing the view of poor performa... read more
Read MoreThe Nigerian education philosophy is based on the integration of individual into a sound and effective citizen vis-à-vis the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competences, both mental and physical, as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society. It is within this framework that adult education especially for women becomes relevant. Similarly, the United Nations Nairobi forward looking strategies for the advancement of women recognizes ...
The Nigerian education philosophy is based on the integration of individual into a sound and effective citizen vis-à-vis the acquisition of appropriate skills, abilities and competences, both mental and physical, as equipment for the individual to live in and contribute to the development of his society. It is within this framework that adult education especially for women becomes relevant. Similarly, the United Nations Nairobi forward looking strategies for the advancement of women recognizes ... read more
Read MoreThe difference in development between rural and urban settings in Nigeria is brought by government concentrating social amenities in the state capital and local government council head quarters. (Uhunmwode local government_ “Ehor” there is no doubt that individual in the rural areas as well need the social amenities that are provided in big towns to enable them feel comfortable for better habitation. The social amenities initiated and provided by communities includes postal agencies, pipe bo...
The difference in development between rural and urban settings in Nigeria is brought by government concentrating social amenities in the state capital and local government council head quarters. (Uhunmwode local government_ “Ehor” there is no doubt that individual in the rural areas as well need the social amenities that are provided in big towns to enable them feel comfortable for better habitation. The social amenities initiated and provided by communities includes postal agencies, pipe bo... read more
Read MoreA lot of students today do not realize the usefulness and importance of geography as a subject in our secondary schools. Hence many tend to have a wrong notion and perception, many tend to be scared of reading it as a course and discipline. Geography as a subject covers various fields of study and discipline in science and social sciences of which can be of great help to individuals, students, companies and government economically. Presently, majority of the educationists in our soc...
A lot of students today do not realize the usefulness and importance of geography as a subject in our secondary schools. Hence many tend to have a wrong notion and perception, many tend to be scared of reading it as a course and discipline. Geography as a subject covers various fields of study and discipline in science and social sciences of which can be of great help to individuals, students, companies and government economically. Presently, majority of the educationists in our soc... read more
Read MoreThe major challenge facing science educators and researchers in the state is the underachievement in science subjects among the secondary school students. Science is an umbrella covering many subject areas including physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. For stance Sweeny (2003) declared that of particular science education, as suggested by the number of students who successfully pass secondary level science examination. He further stated that a cursory review of state examination council...
The major challenge facing science educators and researchers in the state is the underachievement in science subjects among the secondary school students. Science is an umbrella covering many subject areas including physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. For stance Sweeny (2003) declared that of particular science education, as suggested by the number of students who successfully pass secondary level science examination. He further stated that a cursory review of state examination council... read more
Read MoreThe many interlinked the attitude of secondary school teachers towards the teaching of sex education in some selected secondary school in Uhumwonde Local Government Areas of Edo State, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, that of the rapid rate of population growth is a major one. Therefore, the reduction in the death of infants and children due to better sanitation and the control of disease, increasing numbers service to reach their reproductive years and being human they produce. The...
The many interlinked the attitude of secondary school teachers towards the teaching of sex education in some selected secondary school in Uhumwonde Local Government Areas of Edo State, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, that of the rapid rate of population growth is a major one. Therefore, the reduction in the death of infants and children due to better sanitation and the control of disease, increasing numbers service to reach their reproductive years and being human they produce. The... read more
Read MoreThe attitude of parents towards female education is a topic many people frown at in the developing and undeveloped countries. It is regarded of them as taboo that female education is very important to enable matured persons especially parents acquint themselves with the efficacy of female education in the position sense. Female education has been misunderstood by many as a means of sexual harassment due to ignorance. The topic is considered to be paramount, as well as a...
The attitude of parents towards female education is a topic many people frown at in the developing and undeveloped countries. It is regarded of them as taboo that female education is very important to enable matured persons especially parents acquint themselves with the efficacy of female education in the position sense. Female education has been misunderstood by many as a means of sexual harassment due to ignorance. The topic is considered to be paramount, as well as a... read more
Read MoreSandstorm (1972) defined the family as the union of a husband, wife and the children (if any), a biologically related group, grand parent, children and relations living in a household, the group that someone grows up in, the group people spend most of their time etc. According to Murdrock (1969), the family is a social group characterized by common interest, residence, reproduction social and economic cooperation. There are two types of family namely; nuclear and extended family. Akanda (2...
Sandstorm (1972) defined the family as the union of a husband, wife and the children (if any), a biologically related group, grand parent, children and relations living in a household, the group that someone grows up in, the group people spend most of their time etc. According to Murdrock (1969), the family is a social group characterized by common interest, residence, reproduction social and economic cooperation. There are two types of family namely; nuclear and extended family. Akanda (2... read more
Read MoreScience is a way of looking at the world. It ties to seek answers to question like “how”? Why? And “When”? about nature and man caused events. Science, when taught, it encourages the student to ask question and to take critical looks at the situation and problems they may encounter. Kline (1991) views science as having substantive implication of teaching man about the universe. Its accessibility to man’s reason and its functioning can be described by laws. Science give factual knowled...
Science is a way of looking at the world. It ties to seek answers to question like “how”? Why? And “When”? about nature and man caused events. Science, when taught, it encourages the student to ask question and to take critical looks at the situation and problems they may encounter. Kline (1991) views science as having substantive implication of teaching man about the universe. Its accessibility to man’s reason and its functioning can be described by laws. Science give factual knowled... read more
Read MoreInternational conference on population development (ICPD) (1996) defined reproductive health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health, yet many of the word’s people do not have good reproductive health. Some have little or no control over their sexual lives and children bearing, oth...
International conference on population development (ICPD) (1996) defined reproductive health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes. Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health, yet many of the word’s people do not have good reproductive health. Some have little or no control over their sexual lives and children bearing, oth... read more
Read MoreIn Nigeria, there is a rush by college of education students and youths for other profession like medicine, law, accounting, and engineering and similarly to those already in these profession are striving hard to make them more attractive to prospective candidates and those in the profession. To some, there is that element of pride and self-identification among members of the profession. All these make them more attractive to college of education students, the youths and other members of the pub...
In Nigeria, there is a rush by college of education students and youths for other profession like medicine, law, accounting, and engineering and similarly to those already in these profession are striving hard to make them more attractive to prospective candidates and those in the profession. To some, there is that element of pride and self-identification among members of the profession. All these make them more attractive to college of education students, the youths and other members of the pub... read more
Read MoreIn the world today, teacher’s education remaining a thing of focus, because of its role in national development through political economical and social development to meet societal needs. That is the reason of the value of instrument depends to a large extent on the quality of a professional training of teachers. Hence an enviable opportunity to acquire competence needed for effective teaching in the area of imparting knowledge, helping those being taught to become more aware of their talents,...
In the world today, teacher’s education remaining a thing of focus, because of its role in national development through political economical and social development to meet societal needs. That is the reason of the value of instrument depends to a large extent on the quality of a professional training of teachers. Hence an enviable opportunity to acquire competence needed for effective teaching in the area of imparting knowledge, helping those being taught to become more aware of their talents,... read more
Read MoreAn important but most undermined phenomenon that has plagued for sex and sex education. Numerous definitions and interpretations have been advanced by all faced of human society without excavating the eliminating problems associated with it. In this chapter, the researcher intends to have an over view of the menologies associated with sex before dealing with the scope of this study. The term sex gives beyond the realm of sex organs, instructions and...
An important but most undermined phenomenon that has plagued for sex and sex education. Numerous definitions and interpretations have been advanced by all faced of human society without excavating the eliminating problems associated with it. In this chapter, the researcher intends to have an over view of the menologies associated with sex before dealing with the scope of this study. The term sex gives beyond the realm of sex organs, instructions and... read more
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