Climate change is the most serious environmental issue of our day, posing a threat to both man and the earth. In several countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, it is a significant danger to the agricultural sector and food production (Nigeria inclusive). Both changes in temperature as a result of natural variability and human activity are referred to as climate change or global warming. Natural variation is caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere (such as methane, ozone, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, and water vapour).Green House Gases (GHG) are heat trapping gases that exist naturally in the troposphere. The green house gases block the sun's intense heat from heating the earth's surface, but they allow enough heat to keep the planet warm enough for life to survive. The ozone layer is depleted as a result of increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, which leads to a rise in the earth's surface temperature due to direct heating of the earth's surface by the sun's ultra-violet radiation.Human practices such as large-scale deforestation, widespread land use, overpopulation, reduced reliance on organic fuels, and increased uptake of fossil fuels all contribute to climate change. As a result of these operations, more Green House Gases are released into the atmosphere (troposphere), increasing the earth's average surface temperature.Climate change's negative consequences have become a national concern all over the world, especially in the agricultural sector. This anxiety stems from the fact that climate change is posing unfavorable threats to biodiversity, food production, and man's overall well-being.Climate change has serious implications for development, the economy, and investment.
challenges, which have the ability to cause havoc on people's lives, economies, and communities,local and international markets.Climate change and its effects are well-documented.Food stability is harmed by related shocks. Developing countries and, above all, developing countries.Poor people, in particular, are particularly vulnerable because they lack the necessary resources and capacities to be able to respond, minimize, and cope.Because of its effects on the agricultural system, climate change poses a threat to food security. Weather affects agricultural production in most Sub-Saharan African countries (including Nigeria). Climate change has a direct impact on the productivity of physical production factors such as soil moisture and fertility, which has a negative impact on farming outputs and, as a result, on food security. To put it another way, a nation's food security is contingent on the stability and long-term availability of sufficient food from the agricultural sector.
Nigeria's agricultural production is rain-fed, so it is weather-dependent. A significant danger to farm productivity and food security is climate change. Food protection applies to everybody having access to adequate food at all times to live an active and safe life. When a country's population is not hungry or in danger of starvation, it is considered food secure. Food security is critical in any discussion of a country's wealth and economic viability.Nigeria's economy is largely reliant on agriculture, despite the fact that her growth funds are extracted from the extraction of petroleum, oil, and gas. Furthermore, according to the 1991 National Population Census in Nigeria, 69 percent of the population is involved in agricultural operations, and the agricultural sector accounts for 40 percent of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Climate instability and extremes have a greater effect on agriculture than on any other industry.Changes in rainfall frequency and severity, droughts, storms, and changes in soil moisture are all examples of these effects and nutrient deficiency, crop and livestock pests and diseases, desertification, soil loss, heat stress, sea level rise, and erosion In Nigeria, these severe weather events pose significant challenges to crop and livestock development, as well as fishing and hunting.
The following are the primary objectives:
1. To assess the impact of climate risks on food security among the indigenes of Egor, Edo state
2. To identify measures that leads to climate change and ways to curb them
1. What are the impact of climate risks on food security among the indigenes of Egor, in Edo state?
2. What are the measures that leads to climate change and what are the ways to curb them?
This research is of significant to the general public as it will serve as an awareness to the issues of climate change, it will also serve as an added knowledege. This study will also be useful to scholars and researchers who will want to carry out further study on this study
The purpose of this research is to assess climate risks and food security among indigenous communities of Edo state.the sample respondent of this study will be the people of Egor local government area
Finance,availability of materials and time constraints were the major challenges the researcher encountered during the course of this research
CLIMATE RISK:Climate risk refers to risk assessments based on formal analysis of the consequences, likelihoods and responses to the impacts of climate change and how societal constraints shape adaptation options.
FOOD SECURITY:food security is defined as the means that all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life
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