Project TopicsUniversities all over the world are places where learning is sought at its maximum level and it is the center for academic pursuits. It is necessary to remind ourselves of the objectives of a university because for a proper chart of the university course, it is paramount to state the mission of universities. According to Henderson (1969), re-echoed by Omoregbe (1973), universities are meant to fulfill the following functions: To provide places for pure culture and learning for learning sake. T...
Universities all over the world are places where learning is sought at its maximum level and it is the center for academic pursuits. It is necessary to remind ourselves of the objectives of a university because for a proper chart of the university course, it is paramount to state the mission of universities. According to Henderson (1969), re-echoed by Omoregbe (1973), universities are meant to fulfill the following functions: To provide places for pure culture and learning for learning sake. T... read more
Read MoreThe Nigerian society today has to grapple with many behavioural problems of its youth. Such problems include truancy, disobedience, drug offences, assault, insult, stealing, violent, demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, robbery and secret cult activities (Nnachi, 2003). Apart from these widely publicized behavioural problems, heterosexual activities are also listed among types of behavioural problems prevalent in Nigeria secondary schools. These are variously named in the literatu...
The Nigerian society today has to grapple with many behavioural problems of its youth. Such problems include truancy, disobedience, drug offences, assault, insult, stealing, violent, demonstration, vandalism, examination malpractices, robbery and secret cult activities (Nnachi, 2003). Apart from these widely publicized behavioural problems, heterosexual activities are also listed among types of behavioural problems prevalent in Nigeria secondary schools. These are variously named in the literatu... read more
Read MoreThe level of development of a country is often considered to be an offshoot of the nature of her educational system and programme. This point is true to the extent that the technological objectives of a nation are usually rooted in the educational objectives and programmes of the country. Thus, education for development is a veritable instrument for socio-economic emancipation and economic self-reliance of every country. The level of technological development and skill acquisition has become the...
The level of development of a country is often considered to be an offshoot of the nature of her educational system and programme. This point is true to the extent that the technological objectives of a nation are usually rooted in the educational objectives and programmes of the country. Thus, education for development is a veritable instrument for socio-economic emancipation and economic self-reliance of every country. The level of technological development and skill acquisition has become the... read more
Read MoreThis project work focuses on an analysis of HIV risk practices amongst Owan East women of child-bearing age. Owan East L.G.A. is in Edo North Senatorial District. HIV (human immuno deficiency virus) as defined by the Oxford Concise Reference Dictionary of Biology is the retrovirus that causes AIDS in humans. It has a specific affinity for the helper T cells of its host. The membrane envelope glycoproteins encasing the virus show great variability in their amino-acid sequences, hence the difficu...
This project work focuses on an analysis of HIV risk practices amongst Owan East women of child-bearing age. Owan East L.G.A. is in Edo North Senatorial District. HIV (human immuno deficiency virus) as defined by the Oxford Concise Reference Dictionary of Biology is the retrovirus that causes AIDS in humans. It has a specific affinity for the helper T cells of its host. The membrane envelope glycoproteins encasing the virus show great variability in their amino-acid sequences, hence the difficu... read more
Read MoreTeachers’ role in any educational system cannot be over-emphasized. Teachers are the executors and implementers of the educational policies and curriculum. Hence whether there are loopholes in the educational processes and outcome, teachers tend to receive more blame for these shortcomings than any other agent connected with educational activities. Adesina (1987) recognized teachers as the heart of Nigeria’s educational system at all levels. The teachers continue to be the major determinan...
Teachers’ role in any educational system cannot be over-emphasized. Teachers are the executors and implementers of the educational policies and curriculum. Hence whether there are loopholes in the educational processes and outcome, teachers tend to receive more blame for these shortcomings than any other agent connected with educational activities. Adesina (1987) recognized teachers as the heart of Nigeria’s educational system at all levels. The teachers continue to be the major determinan... read more
Read MoreAbortion is a relatively used term. It is the word used to describe the act of termination or destruction of a pregnancy. It could also mean a plan or arrangement, which goes wrong before it can develop properly or termination of a pregnancy of a woman before it reaches full term. Abortion as we are concerned with in this study is the act of stopping the development of a child inside a woman especially by a medical operation (Okonofua, 2001). Many of the teenage girls engage in an unsafe abortio...
Abortion is a relatively used term. It is the word used to describe the act of termination or destruction of a pregnancy. It could also mean a plan or arrangement, which goes wrong before it can develop properly or termination of a pregnancy of a woman before it reaches full term. Abortion as we are concerned with in this study is the act of stopping the development of a child inside a woman especially by a medical operation (Okonofua, 2001). Many of the teenage girls engage in an unsafe abortio... read more
Read MoreMan as a social being is endowed with different abilities to explore his environment and possibly to improve the lots of mankind. That is why there are differences in educational attainment of students. However, these variances are not only found in students’ characteristics like hereditary, age, sex and intelligence quotients which are believed to relate more strongly to his/her achievement levels. A considerable portion of variation in students could be accounted for, in other forms via soci...
Man as a social being is endowed with different abilities to explore his environment and possibly to improve the lots of mankind. That is why there are differences in educational attainment of students. However, these variances are not only found in students’ characteristics like hereditary, age, sex and intelligence quotients which are believed to relate more strongly to his/her achievement levels. A considerable portion of variation in students could be accounted for, in other forms via soci... read more
Read MoreEach stage or period of human life and development is associated with a number of problems. Adolescence, a typical and distinct period in human growth and development, is not an exception and has sometimes been described as a specially problematic period. Bakare writes that: The modern technological world has been aptly characterized by age of anxiety. But perhaps there is no stage of development at which those stresses and conflicts are more acute than at adolescence since at this stage physiol...
Each stage or period of human life and development is associated with a number of problems. Adolescence, a typical and distinct period in human growth and development, is not an exception and has sometimes been described as a specially problematic period. Bakare writes that: The modern technological world has been aptly characterized by age of anxiety. But perhaps there is no stage of development at which those stresses and conflicts are more acute than at adolescence since at this stage physiol... read more
Read MoreGood nutrition is necessary for good health and concern with food is important if certain illnesses are to be prevented. Good nutrition is closely associated with good health – how you look and feel, how well you perform mentally and physically at work or at home. The body is made up of many materials. These can be supplied by a wide variety of foods to ensure good health. The body is, broadly speaking, the product of its nutrition. You are what you eat. Therefore, it is important that daily ...
Good nutrition is necessary for good health and concern with food is important if certain illnesses are to be prevented. Good nutrition is closely associated with good health – how you look and feel, how well you perform mentally and physically at work or at home. The body is made up of many materials. These can be supplied by a wide variety of foods to ensure good health. The body is, broadly speaking, the product of its nutrition. You are what you eat. Therefore, it is important that daily ... read more
Read MoreEvery living organism reacts to its physical environment; secondary school students and teacher likewise react to their environment. The environment in question may produce comfort or discomfort; arouse feeling and disquiet and depression of feelings of ration and pride. It may also encourage or retard learning, allow the easy spread of communicable Disease or safeguard health, may increase or decreases the possibility of accidents. The provision of safe sanitary and attractive ph...
Every living organism reacts to its physical environment; secondary school students and teacher likewise react to their environment. The environment in question may produce comfort or discomfort; arouse feeling and disquiet and depression of feelings of ration and pride. It may also encourage or retard learning, allow the easy spread of communicable Disease or safeguard health, may increase or decreases the possibility of accidents. The provision of safe sanitary and attractive ph... read more
Read MoreDuring the past few years, technology has significantly reshaped the method of assessment. In many academic domains, educational measurement has been moving towards the use of Computer-Based Testing (CBT), defined as tests or assessments that are administered by computer in either stand-alone or dedicated network or by other technology devices linked to the internet or worldwide web most of them using multiple choice questions (MCQs). Computer based tests have been used 1960s to test knowledg...
During the past few years, technology has significantly reshaped the method of assessment. In many academic domains, educational measurement has been moving towards the use of Computer-Based Testing (CBT), defined as tests or assessments that are administered by computer in either stand-alone or dedicated network or by other technology devices linked to the internet or worldwide web most of them using multiple choice questions (MCQs). Computer based tests have been used 1960s to test knowledg... read more
Read MoreNigeria is a country with about four hundred different languages. Some of these languages are spoken by millions of people while others are spoken by only a few thousands persons some of these languages also are believed to have gone extinct. Following the 1963 census. The major languages of the nation are put at Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba Hausa is used as first language (LI) by some 11.5 million persons, Yoruba by 9.5 million persons and Igbo by 7 million people. Each of these languages is also sp...
Nigeria is a country with about four hundred different languages. Some of these languages are spoken by millions of people while others are spoken by only a few thousands persons some of these languages also are believed to have gone extinct. Following the 1963 census. The major languages of the nation are put at Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba Hausa is used as first language (LI) by some 11.5 million persons, Yoruba by 9.5 million persons and Igbo by 7 million people. Each of these languages is also sp... read more
Read MoreTeachers’ quality has been the focus of considerable debated worldwide since the middle of 20th century. Riovkin, Hanushek and Kain (1998), demonstrated in a study that the influence of teachers’ quality on students achievement is many times greater than any other commonly observed variable such as home-background, conducive class environment, etc. Teachers’ quality is a topic with high priority. Teacher qualities differ considerably, between countries and also between states. The Natio...
Teachers’ quality has been the focus of considerable debated worldwide since the middle of 20th century. Riovkin, Hanushek and Kain (1998), demonstrated in a study that the influence of teachers’ quality on students achievement is many times greater than any other commonly observed variable such as home-background, conducive class environment, etc. Teachers’ quality is a topic with high priority. Teacher qualities differ considerably, between countries and also between states. The Natio... read more
Read MoreThe school environment which include the classrooms, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, teachers’ quality, school management, teaching methods, peers e.t.c are variables that affect students’ academic achievement (Oluchukwu, 2000). Hence, the school environment remains an important area that should be studied and well managed to enhance students’ academic performance. The Issue of Poor Academic Performance of Students has been of much concern to the government, parents, teachers...
The school environment which include the classrooms, libraries, technical workshops, laboratories, teachers’ quality, school management, teaching methods, peers e.t.c are variables that affect students’ academic achievement (Oluchukwu, 2000). Hence, the school environment remains an important area that should be studied and well managed to enhance students’ academic performance. The Issue of Poor Academic Performance of Students has been of much concern to the government, parents, teachers... read more
Read MoreResearch has determined that parental attitude and support has a great deal of influence on the education of the girl child in tertiary institution. Parents are mainly influenced by traditional beliefs regarding the ideal roles of women and girls in the society. Traditionally, the only roles available to women were those of wives and mothers. Women were thus seen as nurturers and mainly as providing support for men who worked to provide for the family. Being physically weaker, women were theref...
Research has determined that parental attitude and support has a great deal of influence on the education of the girl child in tertiary institution. Parents are mainly influenced by traditional beliefs regarding the ideal roles of women and girls in the society. Traditionally, the only roles available to women were those of wives and mothers. Women were thus seen as nurturers and mainly as providing support for men who worked to provide for the family. Being physically weaker, women were theref... read more
Read MoreRecord keeping in an organizational set-up is very important and cannot be overemphasized. This is because continuity depends on availability of useful records of past activities. In a complex organization like that of the university, it is not possible to keep every information in the brain because the volume of information is heavy, therefore records must be kept. The keeping of records predated the existence of man. For instance, in Genesis l and 2 God kept a chronological record of all his ...
Record keeping in an organizational set-up is very important and cannot be overemphasized. This is because continuity depends on availability of useful records of past activities. In a complex organization like that of the university, it is not possible to keep every information in the brain because the volume of information is heavy, therefore records must be kept. The keeping of records predated the existence of man. For instance, in Genesis l and 2 God kept a chronological record of all his ... read more
Read MoreAccording to Professor Emmanuel Ofeme, in Owerri, while delivering lecture at the 2nd Sam Okwaraji Memorial Lecture, Published by Chimaobi Uchendu, in the Sun News online sports of Friday, September 19, 2008, he said that unlike vision 2010, which was collaborative in its formulation and comprehensiveness in articulation in scope, Vision 2020 is only a single track, very large organization, but low to change and interest of the people type of development strategy for the national economy of Nige...
According to Professor Emmanuel Ofeme, in Owerri, while delivering lecture at the 2nd Sam Okwaraji Memorial Lecture, Published by Chimaobi Uchendu, in the Sun News online sports of Friday, September 19, 2008, he said that unlike vision 2010, which was collaborative in its formulation and comprehensiveness in articulation in scope, Vision 2020 is only a single track, very large organization, but low to change and interest of the people type of development strategy for the national economy of Nige... read more
Read MoreAmong the heritage left behind in Nigeria by the British at the end of the colonial administration probably none is more important than English language. This is because it is the language of government, business, commerce, education, mass media, literature and internal as well as external communication. For this work or study, the entrenchment of English is more noticeable in the field of education. English is introduced as a subject in the first year of the primary school and from the third...
Among the heritage left behind in Nigeria by the British at the end of the colonial administration probably none is more important than English language. This is because it is the language of government, business, commerce, education, mass media, literature and internal as well as external communication. For this work or study, the entrenchment of English is more noticeable in the field of education. English is introduced as a subject in the first year of the primary school and from the third... read more
Read MoreAbortion is a relatively used term. It is the word used to describe the act of termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo prior to viability. The term “Abortion” most commonly refers to the induced removal of human pregnancy. It could mean a plan or arrangement which takes place in the foetus before it can develop properly. In Nigeria, as in all parts of the world, women experience unplanned pregnancy. Some of these women seek to terminate the...
Abortion is a relatively used term. It is the word used to describe the act of termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a foetus or embryo prior to viability. The term “Abortion” most commonly refers to the induced removal of human pregnancy. It could mean a plan or arrangement which takes place in the foetus before it can develop properly. In Nigeria, as in all parts of the world, women experience unplanned pregnancy. Some of these women seek to terminate the... read more
Read MoreThe mechanics of autotronics entails the conglomeration that posed the complexity of autotronics working operations and consequently a challenge to mechanics and auto-electricians, towards troubleshooting – finding faults and diagnosing automotive electronic problems. This is as a result of industrial revolution in the automobile industry with sophistication in car designs. The rapid changes and increased complexity in the automotive industry present new challenges and put new demands on the...
The mechanics of autotronics entails the conglomeration that posed the complexity of autotronics working operations and consequently a challenge to mechanics and auto-electricians, towards troubleshooting – finding faults and diagnosing automotive electronic problems. This is as a result of industrial revolution in the automobile industry with sophistication in car designs. The rapid changes and increased complexity in the automotive industry present new challenges and put new demands on the... read more
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